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Lessons of Darkness exhibition documentation, 2018

The CCA Libraries Exhibition Program presents Lessons of Darkness by CCA faculty member Emily McVarish. Lessons of Darkness is inspired by the French baroque musical genre leçons de ténèbres. These settings of the Lamentations were performed during Holy Week on the days separating the commemoration of Christ’s death from the celebration of his resurrection. During tenebrae services, candles were progressively extinguished, leaving the church and its attendants in darkness. The exhibit includes McVarish’s book Lessons of Darkness, one 22-minute film, a binder of source materials, and Music With Words: A Composer’s View, by Virgil Thomson, an inspiration to the artist.

Creator(s): McVarish, Emily
CCA/C subject: Works and shows
Status: Live|Last updated:January 25, 2022 4:34 AM
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